Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Some Finished Projects

This quilt was made for my niece's daughter Lilly. I made this from start to finish during Hurricane Gustave, thanks to my husband who hooked my sewing machine and iron up to a generator! We didn't have electric power for five days, but I got to sew!


This one was made for my grandson's little friend Alexis. It was my first "crumb" quilt.

I made this "tipsy squares" quilt for my cousin Eileen's daughter, Aubin. It was fun and easy to make, and I loved working with the bright colors.

I had a blast making this pinwheel quilt for my cousin Rebecca's baby boy. I put it together quickly using leftover triangles from a sailboat quilt I had made for my cousin Emily's baby, Sam.

This "jigsaw puzzle" quilt was made for my cousin Emily's daughter, Grace. It was as challenging as a real jigsaw puzzle!

I guess you have figured out by now that I am my family's designated baby quilt maker!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The True Confessions of Carolscrapquilter

1. I buy too much fabric.

2. Call me old-fashioned, but I love florals, especially tiny rosebud prints in muted shades of pink, green, and off-white.

3. I have a vast collection of quilt magazines, and I can't bear to part with even one of them.

4. I spend more time dreaming about making quilts than actually making them.

5. I have too many unfinished projects. I intend to do an inventory and post my list of unfinished quilts soon.

6. I just gave away three unfinished quilt tops to reduce my list of unfinished projects.

7. Every time I actually finish a project, I start two or three more.

8. It took me over 26 years to finish a quilt for my daughter. I will never ever attempt another Grandmother's Flower Garden!

9. I prefer to make small quilts...bed-size quilts are overwhelming and rarely get finished.

10. My fabric and notions are not well organized. I tend to throw things everywhere, but I'm trying to reform.

11. When I'm not making a quilt, I'm thinking about making a quilt.

12. I'm obsessed with buying remnants and scrap bags, and believe it or not, when I get home I wash, dry, and iron every single little scrap of fabric. That's why I call myself "carolscrapquilter."

Witty Quilt Sayings...Well, I Think So!

When I come across witty quilt-related sayings, I usually jot them down on little scraps of paper. The New Year seems an appropriate time to gather my collection in one place. Here's a few I've managed to find stashed in various places in my sewing room...

"Life is a stitch."

"Any day spent quilting is a good day."

"To quilt is human...to finish divine."

"Give a quilter an inch...she'll think she's a ruler."

"May your bobbin always be full."

Quilters aren't greedy...they're just materialistic!"

Thursday, January 1, 2009

364 More Days to Go

Well, I made it through January 1, 2009, without purchasing any new fabric, not even a fat eighth! I could scarcely bear to look as we drove by Hancock Fabric with its large, bold yellow banner flapping in the breeze announcing in large, bold black letters, "Half-Price Sale!" I almost said to my husband, "Let's make a fabric stop. Hancock's is having its year-end clearance sale!" But, then (almost too late) I remembered my resolution. I can't mess up on January 1! I've been down that self-defeating road too many times when my resolution was to lose weight! So far, so good, carolscrapquilter!